Managing Group Health Insurance with a Growing Company

Managing changes in an efficient manner becomes increasingly important as your company grows. This is especially true when it comes to benefits such as group health insurance. While organizing your company’s group health package is a necessary task, that doesn’t mean that it won’t come with a unique set of challenges. On the flip side,…

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Boosting Productivity Through Delegation

As a business owner it can be stressful trying to keep up with all aspects of the company. Between managing employees, overseeing tasks and making sure the organization is profitable, having your hands full is probably an understatement. While you may want to handle certain tasks alone, delegation is a useful way to spread out…

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How Entrepreneurs Can Prioritize Self-Care text overlaying image of a woman relaxing on a couch

How Entrepreneurs Can Prioritize Self-Care

Being an entrepreneur can have many perks, but it also comes with a variety of downfalls. Long hours, numerous commitments, and high stress levels are all associated with running a business. It's extremely important for business owners to be highly dedicated.  With that said, the necessary responsibilities to reach your goals can be detrimental to…

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The Most Common Health Insurance Plan Types text overlaying image of a tablet with health plans projecting out of it

The Most Common Health Insurance Plan Types

If you are a business owner who wants to offer your employees a health insurance package, you have some decisions to make. While cost is always a factor, since you will be addressing the needs of a group instead of just yourself, you also need to consider their wants and needs. When making this choice,…

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Finding the Right Group Insurance Provider text overlaying image of insurance agent doing business

Finding the Right Group Insurance Provider

As a business owner, you can’t underestimate the importance of a quality employee benefits package. While there are a great number of benefits to having stellar coverage, such as higher employee morale, higher employee retention, and an easier time attracting new talent, finding a plan that fits both your needs and your workforce’s can be…

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Understanding the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit text overlaying image of a pen and calculator over tax documents

Understanding the Small Business Health Care Tax Credit

When searching for a group health insurance plan for your business, there are many factors to consider. Benefits and network size are vitally important, but for many, the associated cost is the biggest consideration. If you are a small business with limited resources, you probably want all the help that you can get when it…

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Self-Insured Vs. Fully-Insured text overlaying image of a group of people with one highlighted in red

Self-Insured Vs. Fully-Insured

When it comes to finding a group health insurance plan for your business, you need to consider both the financial impact on your organization as well as the needs of your employees. To people who aren’t well versed in health insurance, this task can seem complex due to so many factors. With that said, choosing…

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Exploring Supplemental Options of Group Insurance text overlaying image of two arrows drawn in chalk

Exploring Supplemental Options of Group Insurance

Group health insurance serves an important role for millions of employees and their families. Group plans are in place to provide a solid amount of healthcare benefits, ensuring access to essential services. In general, essential benefits will cover things like medical treatments, hospitalizations, and preventative care. With that said, considering the fact that individual health…

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7 Reasons Your Business Needs Group Health Insurance text overlaying image of a group of employees sitting at a table

7 Reasons Your Business Needs Group Health Insurance

If you run a small business, you may be wondering whether or not you should offer your employees a group health insurance package. In an era where health and well-being are taken into account more than ever. There are a number of reasons as to why offering a group health insurance plan will benefit not…

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COBRA: What You Should Know

When you’re a business owner, keeping up with all of your employees and effectively managing your company takes a lot of work. While most of the energy of a CEO is probably focused on the day-to-day responsibilities, something that can often be overlooked are the employee health benefits and the continuation of these benefits when…

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A happy group of employees sit side by side across from a banner reading "how group health insurance helps retain employees"

How Group Health Insurance Helps Retain Employees

Small businesses often face the challenge of retaining employees due to limited resources compared to larger corporations. However, one of the ways small businesses can keep their staff loyal and happy is by offering group health insurance benefits. In this blog post, we will explore how small business health insurance helps to retain employees. Group…

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